About me

I am a Psychologist, also trained as a Systemic-Relational Psychotherapist and a Family Therapist.
I believe we, as a part of a whole integrated and interconnected system, are more than just our symptoms and concerns, but when we are struggling with our painful feelings, we could feel ourselves confused and unable to move in life.
A life journey has many ups, downs and unforeseen events and it is sometimes helpful to handle these with support.
Our worries and issues may hold within the opportunity for creative growth and change.
Self-awareness is always the key of every developmental process and this is true in each context and whatever your challenges might be.
What is worrying you

Whether this is anxiety, relationship difficulties, workplace stress; whether you are dealing with stressful life events such as divorce and separation, illness or loss of a loved one, work-related stress, career development, motivation, low self-esteem, depression, body image issues, addictions, psychosexual difficulties or parent-child conflict, I will support you to achieve greater clarity and be aware of your choices.
How I work

Working together, we will explore your present situation in a confidential, secure and comfortable setting. You will reflect on your own thoughts, feelings and experiences and we will identify underlying issues and emotional patterns which have a bearing on your current difficulties. We will activate resources from inside you and find new strategies to effectively deal with your life events.